Friday, April 13, 2012

Colorful Surprises

The first year that we moved into our new home, we found out that we had some really great neighbors.  Tom and Joann Simpson, an elderly couple who live on the East side of us.  Tom was incredible with his 10 very green fingers and insisted that I take some of his Vinca vine and plant it in one of our raised flower beds.  I was very reluctant because it was a vine after all and we all know what vines do.  Well, I did plant it and it did grow and it spread and it spread and it spread.  It's is a very beautiful vine, green and white and very hardy.  Sadly enough, Tom passed away two years later and every time I see the Vinca I think very fondly of him.  Today, I thought I saw a splash of purple in the flower bed where the Vinca has overrun and I walked over to check it out.  Wow, was I ever surprised to see that the Vinca flowers!  I had no idea, beautiful medium size purple flowers.  I lifted my face toward the sky and said a silent "Thank you" to Tom, because without his insistence, I wouldn't have this because upright vine and pretty flowers to grace my yard.

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