Thursday, May 3, 2012

Learning New Things

I followed a tutorial for Paintshop Pro that taught me how to turn a colored photograph into a vintage style photo, then to isolate certain parts of that photograph and colorize only those parts.  My first attempt at it turned out fairly well.

The actual scrapbook page was another amazing "free to use" find. It's called a "quickpage" because it's already made for you and all you have to do is slip your own photo into the transparent space.  This is how all of my digital scrapbook pages were put together.  Thanks to all the amazing artist's that off their items to those of us who are not so artistic, much appreciated.  I do believe that I got this particular one from

A few more

and here is sweet baby Alice...

One of these days, I am going to learn how to make my own scrapbook papers like these! The ladies that designed these are simply amazing and although I cannot remember who they are, I thank them all.
One of my commenters advised me that I could drag images into and find out the originating artist info, so I did and discovered that the top page was made by and the gorgeous middle page was another one by  I'm happy to find some info on these wonderful artists.

Scrapbook is Done!!

Yay! my first digital Scrapbook is done and the couple that it was made for has a new addition to their family - baby Alice Marie Beliles has made her grand entrance.  There are so many pages to the album, that I just can't show them all, but here is a nice sampling.

This Quick Page is from

I'm not sure if this is actually where I downloaded this quickpage or not, but I'm almost positive that she is artist

Check here also for this one

Megan designed this one